Part 7
“With every single flutter of their small and precious wings, they changed the course of life not just pawns but also kings. Cause every deed has impact no matter how small, it can cause the falling of a leaf and the tear down of a wall.”
– The Butterfly Legend
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rnd 46 (A) – you will start making your corner behind any large cocoon around the 2nd BPsc – so in between the two BPsc
*(hdc, ch2, hdc), 13 hdc in ch10-sp, sk sc, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) around the next st, ch9, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch2, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch14, sl st in the 14 st in rnd 44, ch14, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch2, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch6, (2trCL, ch1, 2trCL, ch2, 2trCL, ch1, 2trCL) in ch1-sp,
ch6, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch2, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch14, sl st in the 14 st in rnd 44, ch14, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch2, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, ch9, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) around the last BPhdc, sk sc, 13 hdc in ch10-sp; rep from * til end
per side – 28 hdc, 7 ch2-sp, 26 2dcCL, 4 2trCL, 14 ch1-sp, 2 ch9-sp, 4 ch14-sp, 2 sl st, 2 ch6-sp

rnd 47 (C) – start in any corner ch2-sp
*(2 dc, ch2, 2 dc), BPdc in the next 14 sts, [FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp] x2, FPdc around CL, (8 dc, sc in 6th BPhdc from rnd 45, ch2, sc in 7th BPhdc from rnd 45, 8 dc) in ch9-sp, FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (2dcCL, ch2, FPdc around hdc from rnd 45, ch2, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL,
(14 dc, dc in 9th st in rnd 45 AND in ch, sc in 10th st from rnd 43, sc, 4 hdc, 8 sc), FPsc around sl st from rnd 46, (14 dc around ch14 AND sts in rnd 45 starting in the 15th st), FPdc around CL, dc around ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (2dcCL, ch2, FPdc around hdc from rnd 45, ch2, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, FPdc around CL, dc around ch-sp, FPdc around CL,
(5 dc around ch6 AND sts in rnd 45 starting in the 2nd st), FPsc around CL, sc around ch-sp, FPsc around CL, (sc, hdc, ch2, hdc, sc) in ch2-sp, FPsc around CL, sc around ch-sp, FPsc around CL, (5 dc around ch6 AND sts in rnd 45 starting in the 2nd of the BPhdc st), FPdc around CL, dc around ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (2dcCL, ch2, FPdc around hdc from rnd 45, ch2, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, FPdc around CL, dc around ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (14 dc around ch14 AND sts in rnd 45 starting in the hidden st), FPsc around sl st from rnd 46,
(8 sc, 4 hdc, sc, sc in the 4th st from rnd 43 counting from the fp st, dc in 9th st from the left in rnd 45 AND in ch, 14 dc) in ch14-sp,
FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (2dcCL, ch2, FPdc around hdc from rnd 45, ch2, 2dcCL) in ch2-sp, FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (8 dc, sc in 6th BPhdc from rnd 45, ch2, sc in 7th BPhdc from rnd 45, 8 dc) in ch9-sp, [FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp] x2, FPdc around CL, BPdc in the next 14 sts; rep from * til end per side – 116 dc, 12 ch2-sp, 28 BPdc, 26 FPdc, 28 sc, 8 2dcCL, 10 hdc, 6 FPsc

rnd 48 (D) – start in any corner
*(2 dc, ch2, 2 dc), BPdc in the next 26 sts, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sk sc, popcorn in ch2, sk sc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, BPdc in the next 8 sts,
FPsc around CL, FPdtr around ch on the right side of the FPtr from rnd 41, 3 dc in ch2-sp, FPdc around FPdc, 3 dc in ch2-sp, FPdtr around ch on the left side of the FPtr from rnd 41, FPsc around CL,
BPdc in the next 8 sts, BPhdc in the next 4 sts, sc in the next 6 sts, FPsc around sc,
sc in next 4 sts, hdc in the next 5 sts, dc in the 4 sts, FPsc around FPsc, BPdc in the next 17 sts,
FPsc around CL, FPdtr around ch on the right side of the FPtr from rnd 41, 3 dc in ch2-sp, FPdc around FPdc, 3 dc in ch-sp, FPdtr around ch on the left side of the FPtr from rnd 41, FPsc around CL,
BPdc in the next 8 sts, ch1, sk 5 sts, ([dc, ch1] x5) in ch2-sp, sk 5 sts, BPdc in the next 8 sts,
FPsc around CL, FPdtr around ch on the right side of the FPtr from rnd 41, 3 dc in ch-sp, FPdc around FPdc, 3 dc in ch-sp, FPdtr around ch on the left side of the FPtr from rnd 41, FPsc around CL,
BPdc in the next 17 sts, FPsc around FPsc, dc in 4 sts, hdc in 5 sts, sc in the next 4 sts, FPsc around FPsc,
sc in the next 6 sts, BPhdc in the next 4 sts, BPdc in the next 8 sts,
FPsc around CL, FPdtr around ch on the right side of the FPtr from rnd 41, 3 dc in ch2-sp, FPdc around FPdc, 3 dc in ch2-sp, FPdtr around ch on the left side of the FPtr from rnd 41, FPsc around CL,
BPdc in the next 8 sts, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sk sc, popcorn in ch2-sp, sk sc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, BPdc in the next 26 sts; rep from * til end per side – 41 dc, 1 ch2-sp, 134 BPdc, 12 BPsc, 2 popcorn, 12 FPsc, 20 sc, 8 fpdtr, 4 FPdc, 8 BPhdc, 10 hdc, 6 ch1-sp

rnd 49 (E) – start in any corner
*(2 hdc, ch2, 2 hdc), sc in the next 18 sts, [sc2tog] x3, ch2, sk 1 st, BPdc, ch2, sk 2 sts, BPdc2tog in the next sts <sk 5 sts incl popcorn> and the next st, ch2, sk 2 sts, BPdc, ch2, sk 2 sts, sc in the next 2 sts,
**sc around FPdtr and in the next st, sk FPsc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sk FPdc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sc around the FPdtr – sk FPsc – and in the next st,
sc in the next 4 sts, ch2, sk 2 sts, dc in next st AND 15th st counting from where you are – so sk 14 sts – ch2, sk 2 sts, sc in the next 5 sts, ch2, sk 2 sts, FPdc in FPsc, sk st, hdc in the next 15 sts,
sc in next st and around FPdtr, sk FPsc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sk FPdc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sc around the FPdtr – sk FPsc – and in the next st,
sk st, hdc in the next 7 sts, 2 sc in ch1-sp, now crochet in the ch2-sp from rnd 48*** but from behind of the ”dc and ch” from rnd 48 and in between them ([dc, ch1] x3, dc) 2 sc in ch-sp, hdc in the next 7 sts,
**sc around FPdtr and in the next st, sk FPsc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sk FPdc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sc around the FPdc – sk FPsc – and in the next st,
hdc in the next 15 sts, sk st, FPdc around FPsc, ch2, sk 3 sts, sc in the next 5 sts, ch2, sk 1 st, dc in next st AND 15th st counting from where you are – so sk 14 sts – ch2, sk 2 sts, sc in the next 4 sts,
sc in next st and around FPdtr, sk FPsc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sk FPdc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sc around the FPdc – sk FPsc – and in the next st,
sc in the next 2 sts, ch2, sk 2 sts, BPdc, ch2, sk 2 sts, BPdc2tog in the next sts <sk 5 incl popcorn> and the next st, ch2, sk 2 sts, BPdc, ch2, sk 1 st, [sc2tog] x3, sc in the next 18 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 48 hdc, 70 sc, 2 FPdc, 6 dc, 3 ch1-sp, 15 ch2-sp, 6 sc2tog, 2 BPdc2tog, 4 BPdc, 24 BPsc

rnd 50 (B) – start in any corner
*(2 sc, ch2, 2 sc), sc in the next 23 sc, [sc in ch-sp, sc,] x4, sc in the next 4 sts, sc2tog, sc in the next 7 sts, [sc in ch-sp, sc,] x2, sc in the next 4 sts, sc in ch-sp, sc in the 19 sts, sc2tog, sc in the next 13 sts, [sk ch, sc] x3, sc in the next 12 sts, sc2tog, sc in the next 19 sts, sc in ch-sp, sc in the next 5 sts, [sc in ch-sp, sc] x2, sc in the next 6 sts, sc2tog, sc in the next 5 sts, [sc in ch-sp, sc,] x4, sc in the next 22 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 172 sc, 4 sc2tog, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 51 (A) – start in any corner
*(2 sc, ch2, 2 sc), sc in 14 sts, sc2tog, sc in 19 sts, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc in 16 sts, sc2tog, sc in 13 sts, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc in 24 sts, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc in 13 sts, sc2tog, sc in 16 sts, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc in 19 sts, sc2tog, sc in 14 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 156 sc, 12 sc2tog, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 52 (C) – start in any corner but please note that this is where you will fasten the large cocoons. On the left side in the 15th sc from the corner and around the hdc right before the middle picot. On the right side in the 11th sc (stitch 160) from the closest corner and around the hdc after the top picot.
*(sc, ch2, sc), sc in each st; rep from * til end
per side – 170 sc, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 53 (F) – start in any corner
*(sc, ch2, sc), sc in 32 sts, sc2tog, sc in 32 sts, sc2tog, sc in 34 sts, sc2tog, sc in 32 sts, sc2tog, sc in 32 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 164 sc, 4 sc2tog, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 54 (G) – start in any corner
*(sc, ch2, sc), [sc in 12 sts, sc2tog] x6, [sc2tog, sc in 12 sts] x6; rep from * til end
per side – 146 sc, 12 sc2tog, 1 ch2-sp

You are finished, well done!
Crochet Chart

Things you can Do In Between Parts
…make some tea
…take a picture and share it on Instagram with the #TheButterflyEffectCAL2019 and tag us; @SistersInStitch
…follow us on Instagram
…add The Butterfly Effect CAL 2019 to your Ravelry library and projects
…start another #wip
…make some more tea
…check out other patterns by SistersInStitch
…share some love to all the amazing people who have helped us make this CAL happen
…reorganise you hooks and scissors

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