The Butterfly Effect CAL 2019
Part 1
“From deep within the soul and somewhere in the heart, there was the finest of rumbles and a million tiny sparks.
Turning nothing into something this was only just the start, and when it was all finished it split up into ten different parts.”
– The Butterfly Legend
Before you begin please take a moment and check out these files
If you wish to print or just read the pattern without pictures, this is the file for you
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With yarn A make a magic circle, ch1 and make 8 sc

rnd 1 (A) – start in any sc
[3dcCL, ch2] x8
– 8 clusters, 8 ch2-sp

rnd 2 (B) – start around cl
[FPsc around CL, 2 sc in ch2-sp] x8
– 8 FPsc, 16 sc

rnd 3 (C) – start in any FPsc
*hdc, 2 dc, ch2, 2 dc, hdc, sc, ch1, sc; rep from * til end
– 16 dc, 8 hdc, 8 sc, 4 ch2-sp, 4 ch1-sp

rnd 4 (D) – start in any ch1-sp
*(hdc, 2 dc, ch2, 2 dc, hdc) in ch1-sp, sk sc, BPsc in the next 3 sts, (sc, ch2, sc) in ch2-sp, BPsc in the next 3 sts, sk sc; rep from * til end
– 16 dc, 8 hdc, 8 sc, 8 ch2-sp, 24 BPsc

rnd 5 (E) – start in any ch2-sp in between sc
*(hdc, 2 dc, picot3a, 2 dc, hdc) in the ch2-sp, sk sc, BPhdc in the next 4 sts, BPsc in the next 2 sts, (sc, ch2, sc) in the ch2-sp, BPsc in the next 2 sts, BPhdc in the next 4 sts, sk sc; rep from * til end
– 16 dc, 8 hdc, 8 sc, 16 BPsc, 32 BPhdc, 4

For the next rnd you are only working in the marked ch2-sps from rnd 3 and 5 shown in the pictures above. The yellow stitch markers shows the ch2-sp from rnd 3; in which you are starting. The green stitch markers shows the ch2-sp from rnd 5.
rnd 6 (D) – start in ch2-sp from rnd 3 – please note that the FPdc in this rnd are more like dc around the chains however they both look and act like FPdc’s and therefore they are written as FPdc
*FPdc around ch2-sp from rnd 3, ch4, FPdc in the same ch2-sp and place the ch4 behind the picot3a made in rnd 5, ch4, V in ch2-sp from rnd 5, ch4; rep from * til end
– 8 FPdc, 4 V sts, 8 ch4-sp

rnd 7 (A) – start in any V stitch
*(2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch2, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in V, ch4, FPsc around FPdc from rnd 6, ch3, FPsc around FPdc from rnd 6 and place the ch3 behind the corner like you did with the ch4 in rnd 6, ch4; rep from * til end
– 16 2dcCL, 8 FPsc, 8 ch1-sp, 4 ch2-sp, 8 ch4-sp

rnd 8 (C) – start in any corner ch2-sp
*(2 dc, ch2, 2 dc), FPdc around CL, hdc in ch1-sp, FPhdc around CL, 6 sc around ch4-sp, FPsc around FPsc, 3 sc around ch3-sp, FPsc around FPsc, 6 sc around ch4-sp, FPhdc around CL, hdc in ch1-sp, FPdc around CL; rep from * til end
per side – 4 dc, 15 sc, 2 FPdc, ch2-sp, 2 hdc, 2 FPhdc, 2 FPsc

rnd 9 (E) – start in any corner ch2-sp
*(hdc, ch2, hdc), BPdc in next 4 sts, sk FPhdc, BPdc in the next 6 sts, sk FPsc, BPdc, sk sc, dc in picot3a from rnd 5, BPdc, sk FPsc, BPdc in the next 6 sts, sk FPhdc, BPdc in the next 4 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 2 hdc, ch2-sp, 1 dc, 22 BPdc

rnd 10 (D) – start in any corner ch2-sp
*(hdc, dc, ch2, dc, hdc), sc in the next 8 sts (be careful to not skip the first hidden stitch), hdc, FPtr around the FPdc from rnd 6, sk BPdc, dc, 3 dc, (dc, picot3a, dc), 3 dc, dc, FPtr around FPdc from rnd 6, sk BPdc, hdc, sc in the next 8 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 4 hdc, 12 dc, 16 sc, ch2-sp, picot3a, 2 FPtr

rnd 11 (B) – start in any corner ch2-sp
*(2 dc, ch2, 2 dc), BPdc, BPhdc, BPsc in the next 8 sts, ch1, sk 2 sts that is the hdc and FPtr, BPsc, BPhdc, BPdc in the next 3 sts, sk picot3a, BPdc in the next 3 sts, BPhdc, BPsc, ch1, sk 2 sts, BPsc in the next 8 sts, BPhdc, BPdc; rep from * til end
per side – 8 BPdc, 4 BPhdc, 18 BPsc, 4dc, 2 ch1-sp, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 12 (A) – start in any corner ch2-sp -in this rnd you will only crochet in the chain spaces and skip all stitches-
*(2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch2, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL), ch6, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch1-sp, ch5, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch1-sp, ch6; rep from * til end
per side – 8 2dcCL, 4 ch1-sp, 2 ch6-sp, 1 ch5-sp, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 13 (C) – start in any corner ch2-sp
*(2 dc, 1 tr, ch2, 1 tr, 2 dc), FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (4 dc, tr, ch1, tr, 4 dc) in ch6-sp, FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL,
Please note that now you will crochet in rnd 11 and in the ch5 on the back from rnd 12 ( although not at the same time)
sk 2 sts, BPsc in rnd 11, [dc in ch5, BPdc in rnd 11] x 2, (tr, picot3a, tr) in ch5, [BPdc in rnd 11, dc in ch5] x 2, BPsc in rnd 11, sk 2 sts
Please note that you are now back crocheting in rnd 12
FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (4 dc, tr, ch1, tr, 4 dc) in ch6-sp, FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL; rep from * til end
per side – 8 FPdc, 28 dc, 8 tr, 2 BPsc, 4 BPdc, 1 picot3a, 2 ch1-sp, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 14 (C) – start in any corner ch2-sp -this rnd will create ch-sps on the back of your work which you will crochet in later-
*(sl st, ch3, sl st), ch3, sk st, BPsl-st, [ch2, sk 2 sts, BPsl-st] x3, ch2, sk ch1-sp, BPsl-st, [ch2, sk 2 sts, BPsl-st] x 2,
you should now be in the dc in between the 2 CL just before the middle of the rnd
ch2, sk 4 sts, BPsl-st, ch3, sk 4 sts and picot3a, BPsl-st, ch2, sk 4 sts, BPsl-st, [ch2, sk 2 sts, BPsl-st] x 2, ch2, sk ch1-sp, BPsl-st, [ch2, sk 2 sts, BPsl-st] x3, ch3, sk st; rep from * til end
per side – 16 BPsl-st, 14 ch2-sp, 4 ch3-sp

rnd 15 (F) – start in first ch2-sp before a corner as you will start making your corner from here -only work in the ch-sps made in rnd 14 unless clearly stated – they will be underlined for extra clarification-
*(sl st, ch2, dc, tr), connect this ch2-sp and the next ch3-sp with a dc2tog, (hdc, sc, 3 hdc), FPsc around sl st between chs, (3 hdc, dc, 3 hdc), FPsc around sl st between chs, (3 hdc, sc, hdc), connect this ch3-sp and the next ch2-sp with a dc2tog, (tr, dc, ch2, sl st), this will be your corner made!
[3 sc in ch2-sp] x5, (2 dc, hdc, sc), (sc, hdc, dc, ch1, dc, hdc, sc), (sc, hdc, 2 dc), [3 sc in ch2-sp] x 5; rep from * til end
per side – 2 sl st, 2 ch2-sp, 9 dc, 2 tr, 2 dc2tog, 18 hdc, 36 sc, 2 FPsc, 1 ch1-sp

rnd 16 (E and for the toffee popcorn also A) – start on the back around the first corner sl st from rnd 14
*BPsl-st, ch3, push the corner to the back and crochet around it in the ch2 corner from rnd 13, make toffee popcorn with yarn A in the middle, ch3, BPsl-st around the second corner sl st from rnd 14, ch5, sl st in the 1st of the 15 sc and place the ch5 behind your work, [picot3a, sl st, sl st] x3, picot6a, sk sc, [sl st, sl st, picot3a] x3, sl st, ch3, BPsl-st around sl st before the ch3 from rnd 14, ch4, toffee popcorn between BPdc 3 and 4 worked in rnd 11, ch4, BPsl-st around sl st after ch3 from rnd 14, ch3, sl st in 1st of the 15 sc, [picot3a, sl st, sl st] x3, picot6a, sk sc, [sl st, sl st, picot3a] x3, sl st, ch5; rep from * til end
per side – 4 ch3-sp, 2 ch5-sp, 12 picot3a, 2 picot6a, 2 toffee popcorn, 2 ch4-sp, 4 BPsl-st, 28 sl st

rnd 17 (F) – in this rnd you will only crochet in rnd 15 and skipping all of the sts from rnd 16 EXCEPT the corner toffee popcorn where you will crochet around the ch3 AND the sts from rnd 15, start in the ch2-sp leading up to your corner from rnd 15. If you are having trouble locating it is the ch2 you started rnd 15 with! –
*(2 hdc, dc, picot2b) in ch2-sp, dc, hdc, esc around dc2tog, hdc in next 2 sts, (dc, picot2b, dc), hdc, sc, sk st (that is the FPsc)
You should now be before the ch3, you will crochet around both the ch3 AND in the stitches
sl st, hdc, dc,
^^the following () is to be crocheted in just one st but around 2 chs (not at the same time), you will start in the st and around the ch3 you are already in, then making a FPdc around the toffee popcorn, and continuing still in the same st and around the next ch3^^
(2 dc, FPdc around toffee popcorn, picot2b, 2 dc), dc, hdc, sl st, sk st, sc, hdc, (dc, picot2b, dc), hdc in next 2 sts, esc around dc2tog, hdc, (dc, picot2b) (dc, 2 hdc) in ch2-sp, sl st in bl behind the 1st picot3a
Corner leaf bunch done!
^^For this part you will be crocheting in front of the picot rnd from rnd 16. When you are done you will pull the picots through the spaces made making them pop up like little flower buds. You will be working FPdc2tog in front of them and small chains to go behind them creating the spaces mentioned. If you look at this section you should clearly see gaps in between the chains you made from rnd 14 that were attached to your work with BPsl-st, and these are the ones that you will place your FPdc2tog around EXCEPT for the one in front of the picot6a which is placed in the ch1-sp from rnd 13. There are six of these places, just like there are six picot3a, so in the pattern the 1st one will be in front of the 1st picot3a. ^^
ch1, FPdc in front of 1st picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 1st AND 2nd picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 2nd AND 3rd picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 3rd picot3a AND in the ch1-sp in front of picot6a, ch3, FPdc2tog in the ch1-sp in front of picot6a AND in front of the 4th picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 4th AND 5th picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 5th AND 6th picot3a, ch2, FPdc in front of the 6th picot3a, ch1, sl st in bl behind the 6th picot3a
Flowerbud section to the right done!
(sc, 2dc, picot2b, hdc), hdc in next 2 sts, sc
Now you will jump over the ch4 and crochet over it, so it will come through your work when you are done. You might need to push it a little to the side to reach to the next stitch
sl st, 2 hdc in each of the next 2 sts, (dc, ch2, dc) in ch1-sp, 2 hdc in each of the next 2 sts, sl st,
Again you will be crocheting over the ch4
sc, hdc in the next 2 sts, (hdc, dc, picot2b, dc, sc), sl st in bl behind picot3a
Middle leaf bunch done!
ch1, FPdc in front of 1st picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 1st AND 2nd picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 2nd AND 3rd picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 3rd picot3a AND in the ch1-sp in front of picot6a, ch3, FPdc2tog in the ch1-sp in front of picot6a AND in front of the 4th picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 4th AND 5th picot3a, ch2, FPdc2tog in front of 5th AND 6th picot3a, ch2, FPdc in front of the 6th picot3a, ch1, sl st in bl behind the 6th picot3a
Flowerbud section to the left done!
Rep from * til end
per side – 5 ch1-sp, 26 hdc, 21 dc, 7 picot2b, 2 esc, 6 sc, 8 sl-st, 3 FPdc, 13 ch2-sp, 12 FPdc2tog, 2 ch3-sp

You are finished, well done!
Crochet Chart
The pdf version of the chart

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